I am really sorry about the lack of posts lately, but I've been really busy, even though it's summer. I just recently joined cheerleading, and that takes up a lot of my time. 3-5 days a week I'm doing something for that... I really have been thinking about the blog though, and I have a couple of posts lined up, I'm just having trouble writing them.. Here's a few things in store:
The remainder of the "Mayzie Series"
CVS Haul
Walgreen's Haul
A few recent NOTD's
Some old TOTD's
So I'm going to try to accomplish some of those things while I have some down time! I'm going to New York City in a few (6!) days with my family and a friend, so I wont be able to post then.. But I'll be sure to take a bunch of pictures! I also have plans with..ahh..someone... so I may be a little preoccupied.. :) Don't hate me if I don't post for a bit?
Thanks for reading!