Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Candyland NOTD Series: Mr. Mint!

Hi all! :)

Today I am showing you the "Candyland NOTD Series: Mr. Mint" manicure! I honestly don't have the words for this, so onto the pictures..

And now my thoughts...:

Honestly, I HATED this manicure. It was a pain to do, and it didn't even turn out right! Ugh. This cam off as soon as I took the pictures. It was painful.. :P I hope the others turn out better!

I've always loved Candyland.. The colors, the characters, the simplicity of the game... I think I have it somewhere.. I hope so... I need it for pictures... Must remind myself to rummage through the garage.. Now I'm rambling. I always feel like my posts are super short.. Of course, it doesn't matter since no one reads this anyway. I mainly do this for the invisible people out there... However, if somebody does by chance read this.. let me know! I would LOVE to hear from readers! I feel so alone.. I mean, the sidebar says I have followers... But when I ask for comments, or ideas, I get nothing.. I'm not even sure my mother reads this. Let alone the "friends" I have who encouraged me to start this dang thing, and even started ones of their own because of it! Am I such the nerd, that even my Harry Potter-loving, anime-watching best friend can't bother to comment and say "Hey! Keep writing! I'm out there! I read this stuff!" :/ I even "advertise" on Facebook... Nothin. Nobody cares about me.. *sigh*

Thanks for reading--if there is anyone.



  1. alright i dont bother commenting because i read the blog and end up discussing your posts in person!! so y would i have to repeat myself online!? if u want me to i will comment i do love your blog and i do read it!! you've only been doing this for a month or 2 wait a while it takes time buysy blogs dont happen instantly it takes years to build up popularity so just keep going and persevere!!!! :) love u!!!

  2. Alyssa: Sure. But really?! Nobody! I'm not even on Google! Check! :/ Love you too. Even if you aaarree the only one (:

  3. I read it. I usually comment in person as well since i cant even figure out how to "follow" you. I told all kinds of people about yur blog. I am very proud that you even know how to do this. I love you.

  4. Hey why didn't we get to see mister fudge monster nails, or whatever the brown gooey one was called
