Sunday, October 16, 2011

31 Day Challenge: Day 3

I am a horrible person. 

I wish I could say I have a valid reason for skipping yesterday, but I don't. I had all the time in the world, and I took a three hour power-nap. I'm sorry. I promise to do better! 

Yesterday was Day 3, YELLOW nails, and I used China Glaze Happy Go Lucky as a base, and then stamped a houndstooth design on my ring fingers and thumbs as an accent in Konad Special Black polish.

image source
This is what I used for the stamping.

Ewh, try to ignore the ugly dent in my middle finger in the second picture. My bad. To tell the truth I really hate yellow nails. They just look weird to me. However, I really liked this combo. I think houndstooth is cool. This is 2-3 thick coats; the yellow was a little streaky. Again, I am sorry! See you tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!


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