Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hey everyone!

I am extremely sorry about the lack of posts going on lately! My camera has been dead, and I need a new lightbox. Therefore, I can't take any pictures. :( Until I get this fixed I'll need you guys to hang on and not hate me too much while I don't post. I have a TON, and I mean a TON, of posts lined up for when I return, from my blogging break and from the vacation I am taking come Monday. You can expect:

A Birthday Haul
A Sally's Haul
Some new makeup looks I'm trying
Vacation Nails
Major Swatches
A Walmart Haul
Amazing Hair Products I've found recently
A guest post
Some Hair Tools I've acquired

Well, that's all for now. See you when I get back!

 Thanks for reading, 

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