Monday, December 12, 2011

31 Day Challenge: Day 14

Today's 'challenge' is FLOWERS. I originally wanted to do a water marble flower design, but I decided against it, and went with fimo rods. I chose five sticks (my thumb is not pictured) and did a plain french tip with glitter, and stuck them on where they looked nicest. Here's the results:

I used one coat of ChG Innocence, did my tip with the Stripe Rite, then two coats of OPI DS Coronation, and finally a coat of Seche. :)

Please excuse the gross cuticles, winter wind does a number on my skin. My favorites were my pinkie and ring fingers, the blue flower and the orange flower. 

To be honest, the fimo came off as soon as I took the pictures. They were curling up, and the top coat was doing nothing to keep them on, so I tore them off, thus ruining my manicure, and making me sad. I've already done the delicate print manicure, and I loove it! I think it's my favorite of the challenge so far. I'm really proud of it. 

Well, I'll leave you to wonder about the mysteries tomorrow holds. 

Thanks for reading!


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