Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tutorial: How To Cut Fimo Rods.

So I thought since I showed them to you guys, I should give some help on how to cut them, in case you wanted to buy some (Amazon!!) So, here is my how-to. :)

What You Need:

Shown Above: A cutting board; A utility knife; A placed to store your fimo stickers; Fimo Rods.

Step 1: Choose your rod. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to cut a lemon, a heart, a flower and a feather, just so you can get a feel for how to cut the different shapes. Lemon first. 

With the lemon-and other circle shapes- it doesn't matter how you position the rod. Just be careful.

Step 2: Cut the rod. Try to cut the rod as thin as possible. It makes them less likey to come off.

Step 3: Store your sticker! I put them in the container I showed you up there ^^

See? Pretty easy... Once you get the hang of it. :) Here is the heart:

You have to turn the heart upside down, so your shape is flat-side-down. It makes cutting easier. Then repeat steps 2-3. Flower:

It doesn't matter how you position the flowers either.. they're just a little bit trickier than cutting the circles. They tend to rolll away. Repeat steps 2-3. Feather:

What I do for the real thin, tiny rods-like this, and the bow-is I put them flat on their side, rather than try to stand them up. These I would say are the hardest to cut. I have a hard time cutting all the way through.... I get to the very bottom, and the knife just seems to stop. Anyway, repeat steps 2-3.

That's about it! I hope this helped!! :)

Thanks for reading!!


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