Sunday, February 20, 2011

Haul: Ebay!

Hi ladies!

So, imagine my surprise when I see three (!) packages in the mail on Saturday! Ahh!! I had ordered more fimo sticks, and some nail wheels a little while back, and I had forgotten about them! Well, enough chit-chat, lookie!!

There are 10 nail wheels there, and I would just like to say, they are pretty flimsy. I feel like just by picking one up I'm going to snap a nail off! I expected something a little more durable.

Also I was a little disappointed in my fimo sticks. In the picture the seller shows there is a multitude of stick I had never seen! Like, a dragonfly, blue, pink, AND orange bows, sushi, and a RUBBER DUCK! In the pack I got, I got some fruit, flowers, and butterflies. Nothing new, except for a pink grapefruit rod I'm excited about. So, yea. Disappointed.

Not that I'm not grateful! I have big plans for these.. :) *insert evil/maniacal laugh* 'Til I polish again!

Thanks for reading!


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