Thursday, November 10, 2011

31 Day Challenge: Day 8

Hey everyone. 

I've been home sick for two days now, and I figured it was time to do this post. I'm too lazy for my own good. It's not going to be a very exciting post, but hey, I'm sick. 

Day 8 is METALLIC nails and here's what I used:

Mr. Wrong is a mostly grey/purple base foil with blue and gold flakes mixed in. It's super sparkly when the sun hits it, and I could wear this all winter. I get tons of compliments when I wear it. A definite must-buy. Hard Candy nail polishes are available at Walmart. That's the only place I've seen them. Until tomorrow! I'm really excited for the next day. I'm doing the mani tonight! :)

Thanks for reading


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