Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back in the Saddle- 31 Day Challenge: Day 7

So sorry! I've had a busy last few weeks, and haven't had enough time to sit down and do my nails. But it's a Sunday night, and I have plenty of time, so lets dive right in!

Today is Day 6, BLACK and WHITE nails, and I came up with this:

 This is OPI Mummy Knows Best, and Konad Special Black Polish stamped with the Bundle Monster plate bm20, which I neglected to take a picture of. :(  Anyway, I knew I wanted to do stripes, but I was watching a eye tutorial on YouTube today that inspired me to do rhinestones on them! I only did the rhinestones on my ring finger though, as an accent. The last picture is a close-up. Hope you like!

On a completely different, and slightly more serious note, I've really been getting into makeup lately, and I want to know if you think I should start doing makeup looks, reviews and such on here. Should I? I think it would be cool, and I think it would also give me a chance to practice a skill I'd really like to achieve. I already have a ton of makeup in my possession, so maybe part by part I could swatch it? I'm not sure, something to think about. It's really been weighing on my mind lately.

Another thing that has been weighing on my mind is that nobody ever voices their opinions! I don't know if you know this, but I can track how many people view my blog daily, and in what countries. It would appear that people in Europe and Asia have viewed my blog! Europe and Asia! Why don't you people comment or something? I'm a fourteen year old girl, and I get excited very easily. That would make my day! You have no idea how happy I get when I see someone I've never spoken to follow, or comment, or even view! So please, make yourselves known. I'm not asking you to follow, (even though that would probably make me pass out,) but when I ask questions, like above, I really do want to know your opinions. Think about it?

EDIT: For the record, people in the US, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, Russia, Thailand, Austria, Australia, Egypt and Chile have viewed my blog this week. Yep. I wasn't lying, I really can see you.

Thanks for reading.



  1. I would just like to say that I LOVE these nails, and they look even more fabulous in real life!

  2. Haha, thank you! But :P because I thought you were a foreign viewer commenting. Grrrrr.

